Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The 12 Couples You Meet at Bible College

In college (especially the Christian kind) there is always that couple...  you don't even know their names but everyone just knows them by what type of couple they are. I feel like in Bible college there is a certain set of lovebird stereotypes that can't be ignored.

1. The "I just met you, and this is crazy..."

"...but let's get married, and have three kids maybe?"
These people meet, fall in love, date, engage, and marry all within a year. They don't waste no time!

2. The Let's just check out of reality couple...

These two are head-over-heels, on cloud nine, and they don't care about the rest of the world. This includes classes, assignments, personal time, friends, and family. It's just them two in the world now, all else has faded away. 

3. The Forever Friend Zone

 He's a great guy, she's a marvelous girl...but it ain't ever gonna happen. Keep your hopes high though!

4. The Pastor's daughter and the Bad Boy

She's overprotected, and super-sheltered, but feeling a little rebellious. So what does she do? She brings back from college the bad boy for daddy to meet. 

5. The Ex that's in the way

They've moved on , but the ex just won't give up! Maybe eventually they're get bored and find someone else to exhaust. 

6. The two different cultures couple 
 She's an Missionary Kid/foreign student, he's from a small town in the midwest, but they just work. They make a beautiful blend. 

7. The Chameleon Dater 

You know this person. They learn you like Jazz music, suddenly they're an expert. You're from a Spanish family? Suddenly they look a little more tan and are rolling their R's. They don't know their true self they just adapt to whatever their significant other is...

8. That Awkward Couple 

 They are the strangest combo ever witnessed, but it's oddly adorable. Sometimes when you look at them you think there really is someone for everyone in the world. 

9. The might as well be married couple

This couple has been together so long, most people think you're already married. They started as best friends and have just grown from there. 

10. The Super Spiritual Couple
 He just wants to respect her body, She just wants to guard her heart. They need to know God wants them to be together. Otherwise she is just going to date Jesus...

11. The Power Couple
She's a boss, he's a beast...but remember every person has a weakness and they struggle too. 

12. Too much PDA couple
 They're always in public, always together, always too close. Dear this couple, please stop touching...

Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Samson and Tina from Timnah

by Chelsea Smith

Samson was a man blessed beyond compare
He had crazy locks of thick magic hair
He was under the cover of God, and a manly man
But a hopeless romantic
Who fell for a woman from another land

Tina of Timnah caught his eye
And he summoned her for marriage without being shy
The family protested
He just ignored
He wed her, so he could bed her, and took advantage of the Lord

He made a bet with the family
With a riddle of rhyme
But then divulged the secret
In a matter of time
Tina told the fam
And Samson lost the bet
So he killed a bunch of men
To pay for the set

Samson is prideful
A liar too
He takes advantage of his covering
And in the ends he’ll loose
All that he has and later his hair too
Because he shot up his ego
And let go of the truth.

Tina and Samson could have used some aid
Get some pre-marital counseling before you get laid
He could have used some knowledge before he got all stoaked
Let’s talk about your different faiths
You need to be equally yoked

Let’s look at what the Bible says about love and marriage
And gender roles, expectations
Before we bring out the baby carriage

Let’s face it Sammy
You don’t even know this lady
You’re intentions seem odd
 And a little bit shady

Let’s slow it down
Talk it out
Before you get hitched
Tina is not what you think
To her family she snitched

Her love is conditional
And yours is thin
This marriage isn’t wise
And she’s living in sin

I hope in the end
You two will be smart
And end this relationship
Before you lose heart

Samson you need some correction
You salty dog
Spend some time on your self
And Keep after God 

When God Takes us on the Scenic Route


Do you ever ask yourself, "Why am I here right now? I want to be elsewhere, doing something different. I don't understand this season." We all have dreams, aspirations, and many of us certainly feel like God has called us to a mission. So why the lag? If God has a plan and a purpose for our lives why doesn't he just get us there?

Many times I look at my life and wonder how certain seasons fit in to God's plan. To me the puzzle pieces don't fit. I know God is ordering my steps, but I feel like he's leading me down some detours.

I graduate this May and I have always felt like I was supposed to be a counselor. Then just a few weeks ago God blatantly asked me to go a different route and pursue social work in graduate school. I was so frustrated. God what are you doing!? Why didn't you tell me this three years ago? I'm so unprepared! I really battle God on this for a while and God simply told me "I'm am still leading you to my destination, I have chosen to take you on this path for a reason."

This word has been a hard message to swallow but I know God is in control and no experience is lost with God. I can't help but think of Moses and his exodus from Egypt. God lead his people through the dessert to the Holy Land. It was always God's purpose to take them to the Promises location but why did he take this normal trip and make it last 40 years?
Clearly there was a quicker route (as indicated in the orange), but God took them on a much more difficult journey. We may look at this and think that this was the Plan B, but the purple route to God is the best plan, Plan A.

So why does God choose to lead us on the Scenic Route so-to-speak? There may be many answers to your particular situation but here a few...

1. The Experience

You may not be where you want to be right now but take a moment to consider what great life lessons you may be experiencing. Even if they are difficult life lessons, they could be very useful down the road.
I think of when I did a month long mission trip in India. During a few points on my trip I remember wondering why God had asked me to go. Sometimes I felt like I wasn't making a difference,  or that I was a burden to others. Sometimes I made cultural mistakes and had to be corrected and that was hard. I began to doubt God calling me on this trip. Now I look back on that trip fondly because I see all that i learned, I developed great skills and knowledge about missions, culture, and just life in general. God had me there for a reason, though it was hard, I still use these lessons today.

2. Dependency 
 Just like the Israelites who journeyed out of Egypt had to learn to depend on God, so do we. This lesson is valuable but difficult to learn. We often bicker with God for being brought to hard places but often times this is the best place for us. We are learning to lean.
God may have you in a place/season where you feel like you don't have control over anything, and that's  scary feeling, but God is using this loss of control on your end in able to show you He has control. We don't like our dependency to fall on others, but we can be assured of God's dependability.

3. Timing
God's timing is an oddity, it will always keep me wondering.  God may have you on the scenic route in order to get you to your destination at the right moment...whenever that may be. 
Currently my fiance and I are on the scenic route  and wondering if it is because of God's timing. We get married this July and even though i graduate this May, he will have another semester left due to us transferring from a secular college to a Christina University. My degree transferred easily (psychology) but he chose to go in to ministry which obviously would not be offered at a state college. Anyways, so we are having to put our futures on hold and go back to the university (which is 13 hours away from our hometown) so he can finish. I don't know why it's working out this way, but I'm hoping it's for a reason. We don't want to get to our destination too early, nor too late. We just have to trust that God's timing is best.

4. For the View
A scenic route isn't a scenic route without a glorious view.  If you're gonna be on the road, might as well enjoy the journey. What does God want you to see in this in-between? Insight? Relationships? or just God's greatness? Either way, just enjoy!

So whatever the reason or this strange trek, just enjoy the ride!

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

If Spence Floors were from Disney

 The Eager Beavers
The Precious girls of S1S are Rapunzel because when you get them out of the castle tower they take the world by storm. ♥

The Hipster Sisters 

S1N I always call the hippie floor. Tea, herbs, and hipsters. ♥

The Southern Belles

Tender, Sweet, these girls a lovely ladies who just want to join hands and discuss feelings ♥

The Vivacious Floor
These girls got this campus on lock. They know how to run the system, a little mischievous, but ultimately out to Reign. 

Be a Wo-Man!
The women of S3S aren't gonna take your crap, they are strong, idependant, and anything boys can do they can do better. 

The Lost Girls
They are wild, crazy, and can't be tamed. But they truly know how to have the most fun! I wouldn't choose any other floor ;)