Tuesday, April 15, 2014

The 12 Couples You Meet at Bible College

In college (especially the Christian kind) there is always that couple...  you don't even know their names but everyone just knows them by what type of couple they are. I feel like in Bible college there is a certain set of lovebird stereotypes that can't be ignored.

1. The "I just met you, and this is crazy..."

"...but let's get married, and have three kids maybe?"
These people meet, fall in love, date, engage, and marry all within a year. They don't waste no time!

2. The Let's just check out of reality couple...

These two are head-over-heels, on cloud nine, and they don't care about the rest of the world. This includes classes, assignments, personal time, friends, and family. It's just them two in the world now, all else has faded away. 

3. The Forever Friend Zone

 He's a great guy, she's a marvelous girl...but it ain't ever gonna happen. Keep your hopes high though!

4. The Pastor's daughter and the Bad Boy

She's overprotected, and super-sheltered, but feeling a little rebellious. So what does she do? She brings back from college the bad boy for daddy to meet. 

5. The Ex that's in the way

They've moved on , but the ex just won't give up! Maybe eventually they're get bored and find someone else to exhaust. 

6. The two different cultures couple 
 She's an Missionary Kid/foreign student, he's from a small town in the midwest, but they just work. They make a beautiful blend. 

7. The Chameleon Dater 

You know this person. They learn you like Jazz music, suddenly they're an expert. You're from a Spanish family? Suddenly they look a little more tan and are rolling their R's. They don't know their true self they just adapt to whatever their significant other is...

8. That Awkward Couple 

 They are the strangest combo ever witnessed, but it's oddly adorable. Sometimes when you look at them you think there really is someone for everyone in the world. 

9. The might as well be married couple

This couple has been together so long, most people think you're already married. They started as best friends and have just grown from there. 

10. The Super Spiritual Couple
 He just wants to respect her body, She just wants to guard her heart. They need to know God wants them to be together. Otherwise she is just going to date Jesus...

11. The Power Couple
She's a boss, he's a beast...but remember every person has a weakness and they struggle too. 

12. Too much PDA couple
 They're always in public, always together, always too close. Dear this couple, please stop touching...


  1. There is no 4 or 9... "the 12 couples you meet at bible college" lol

    1. I have definitely seen a couple of 4's in my years at bible college.

    2. #4 definitely exists - my GF at the time was roomies with a pastor's daughter who would frequently call (drunkenly) at 4am to say she was stuck without a ride more than an hour away after some club closed. She also asked my GF if it counts as sex if it's "just the tip."

  2. YESSS, this is definitely, no complaints in accuracy coming from me.

  3. My two best friends at Bible college got married; she is from Scotland he is from Illinois a #6 for sure.

  4. Hilarious! I'm reading these and thinking of someone I knew for almost all of them!

  5. You forgot the, "We're Experts Now So We'll Teach You How To Be A Good, Holy Couple Like Us" kind. Somehow they're counseling other relationships but they're your age.

    1. Actually had to deal with that couple (combined with the characteristics of #1, 2 and 12.) They went on and on: "We're going to get married and write relationship devotionals, have small groups together, et cetera and all that jazz." I just sat there and thought, You just started dating at Christmas, what do you even know? What struggles have you two even faced together... besides dealing with the relationship rules?
      I was responsible for the girl's growth, so I constantly had talk in my ear about their actions, and I was responsible for noting it/trying to stop it. It was a HUGE headache for the second half of the year.
      So I was completely not surprised when I found out they split pretty much right after the year ended. The lesson I've learned from that relationship (and a few like it) is this: those who talk the biggest game fall apart the most quickly.

  6. Ya, so I fall into 1. But it happened only in my 5th year. Just saying.

  7. I'm a professor at a Christian college and this pretty much spot on.

  8. This is completely reliable. With head held high my PK sweetheart and I rocked that #12 like a boss. 2 PKs in a pod we were.
