Sunday, September 20, 2015
12 Things We Could All Say More Often
"I'm Sorry"
Unfortunately there is a significant deficit of responsibility taking in American society. We don't tend to assume blame but instead transfer it on to others, or circumstances, anything but ourselves. We blame the environment around us for our actions rather than emphasizing the significance of our choices. Simply assuming consequences for our actions and apologizing can go a long way. Say sorry and move on. Wrongs heal faster with truth rather than covering them up with excuses.
"Let me do more research"
I am guilty as any when it come to just assuming information is right. I see articles and posts on Facebook and news sites with flashy statistics and often don't question how much of this shared information is actually true. I am learning that media is a manipulative force and it is important to search for truth and be an informed citizen. This goes hand-in-hand with my next phrase...
"I don't know enough about that to have an opinion"
Because we often assume and don't research facts we create opinions without having all the information. We do this with politics and cultural issues. We stand for things we know nothing about. It is important to educate our selves and not just adopt a mentality because it is fashionable.
"Thank You"
Let us be thankful for all that we have because ultimately it is because of God's great blessings that we have the things we do. I had the wonderful opportunity one summer to spend a month in India and work in an orphanage that my church supports. My eyes were opened to the world as I watched children find joy in the simplicities of life. I returned to the U.S. just in time for the 4th of July and I had such overwhelming appreciation for my country and my loving parents. It gave me a new perspective of how blessed I am. I have decided to cultivate an attitude of gratitude in all areas of my life.
Let us be thankful also of those around us. We all need each other to reach the goals in our lives. It's amazing how far an "atta boy" can go to someone in your life who needs some encouragement.
"I forgive you"
One of the most challenging aspects of my faith is letting go of past hurts and forgiving those who have caused pain in my life. God makes it clear in Matthew 6:14-15, Colossians 3:13, Matthew 18: 21-22, etc... that we are to forgive one another or God will not forgive us. There are no stipulations on this. We must forgive those who wrong us. This is challenging at times, but this is what God has called us to do. To live higher.
"I disagree"
It is okay that people have different opinions. You do not have to agree with others because it's p.c. You also do not have to be mean to others because they do not agree with you. Be compassionate without compromising your values. Always show kindness and respect, even if the other person does not impart equal graciousness.
"I Love You"
Always, always remember to vocalize your affections for the people in your life who are important to you. Life is a vapor and you never know what tomorrow holds. Take time to say "I Love You" to the dear ones in your life each day.
So this isn't so much a phrase as it is an action. Learn to laugh at yourself when you make mistakes or do something silly. Instead of beating yourself up and getting discouraged just laugh and move on.
"Would you like to come to church with me?"
I researched last years Gallup Polls and surprisingly less than 17% of Americans reported that they attended church regularly. All it takes is an invitation. So many Christians get caught up in the 'church bubble' and forget that many out there would come to church if only invited.
"Want to grab lunch?"
... or something to this degree. We as humans don't connect like we used to. Technology has robbed us of face to face interaction at times. It is important to take time out of our crazy lives to connect with those around us. We are called to be disciples, discipling others. Mentor and be mentored. Don't just say "let's hang out sometime" but actually schedule time together. Moments like these create a catalyst for growth in both mentor and mentee. You never know what someone else is going through until you take a moment to view the world from their perspective.
Every once in a while it's good to try something new or different just to develop experience. We often become fearful to try the unknown because we anticipate negative results. Next time someone asks you to help with an event, try a foreign restaurant, or go on an adventure. Instead of going home and hiding under your comfort blanket, say yes and just go for it. You never know what great and interesting things you might discover about yourself and the world.
Nothing at All
Sometimes the best thing to say is nothing at all. My youth pastor growing up asked me the question "Does what you're going to say build someone up or tear someone down?" If the pent up words you want to say are on the negative side of the spectrum then it is better to just not say them. I am often quick to speak and not consider my words and because of this I have hurt others and only worsened my situation. I am slowly learning to just let things go and walk away. Sometimes the injustice of it all eats me up inside, but I am finding out that there is a peace in bringing these injustices to God and letting Him handle it. My duty as a Christian is to represent Christ in all ways. Thus I must learn to "tame the tongue" so that I may be like Him. Besides scripture tells us that to argue with fools, makes us foolish ourselves. Sometimes it's best just to leave that mess right where it's at.
Sage advice from such a young lady, excellent job Chelsea! I will definitely put it into practice.