Friday, October 10, 2014

Crestview, FL: 12 Reasons Why It's The Best Town Around

I moved to Crestview, Florida when my dad retired from the U.S. Air Force in 2004. I was born at Eglin A.F.B. and we lived there for a few years before moving around with the military. My family always loved the area and decided to move back and find a bit of land in the country. Crestview had the country space and the ideal proximity to Eglin, so it became home. I was in 6th grade and at first detested the small town compared to my former broad living. But over time the town grew on me and after many years as a transitioning military brat, I made Crestview my "hometown". I love it, it's home. I continued to live there up until I graduated from CHS, then I moved to Pensacola, and eventually, Springfield, MO for college. Even though the view isn't my current residence, it's still my home and how I feel about Crestview reflects that of Leslie Knope and Pawnee, Indiana. 
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For those of you who are unfamiliar with just how great this town is, here are some little tid bits of it's awesomeness you can enjoy...

1. You can go to Walmart and see at least  5 people you know.

2. A Supportive Military Community

 3. We Have Traditions
Like our annual parades, downtown festivals, and you can't forget all the homecoming festivities. 
Photo Credit: Darlene Jones

4. We have the best boiled peanuts you'll ever eat
and nothing goes better with Friday night football at CHS than a hot bag of peanuts. 

5. We Support Local Business

6. We are close enough to the beach to make a day trip, but far enough away to not have our homes flooded during hurricane season.

 7. We've got great history
8. We Support our home team!
Once a bulldog, always a bulldog.

 9. We may be in northwest FL, be we are the "southern" part of Florida. 
Hey Ya'll! We got Sweet tea and manners!

10. We serve our community

11. We've got BIG faith
We love Jesus, yes we do!

12. We band together when there's a need

This town may have it's own problems, but it's the best tonw on earth in my opinion.

I love this town. Idid most of my growing up here, I met my husband here, and my family is here. There is no other place that I'd rather call home than Crestview, Fl. 



  1. I love Crestview! It was so great to call if home for a few months :)

  2. I love your website, it looks stunning. God works in mysterious was in your family.
